Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Best Locations to Buy CBD Oil Near Me

Ever wondered how you can get your hands on a CBD oil near you? Then you have just stumbled across the right place. The sales of CBD oil have been on an upward trend since 2017, and forecasts indicate they will only get better. Restrictions put in place by State and Federal laws have created lots of misperceptions on who can purchase the CBD oils. So how does one go about it?Intending to Buy the CBD Oil near me?First, start by understanding the laws. Currently, only 9 states across the country allow for the use of marijuana on recreational grounds, Washington, D.C can be included. Not everyone has the opportunity to walk right into a dispensary and make an order for fine CBD oil, this privilege is determined by where you reside. Despite the acceptance of legal recreational weed, some of the 9 states require special medical marijuana cards or a medical prescription from a physician. If you are in a state that requires so, it's quite simple to obtain an online recommendation in a matte r of minutes. As of 2018, 29 of the 50 states within the union permit the use of medical weed in one way or the other. Cannabis CBD oil used for special treatment fall right within that category given it's an affiliate product. Now, where does the complication arise? When it comes to qualifying for a medical card, that's easy. The downside is having to go through a long and tiresome bureaucratic process with the state Health Board. All the best on that! Even after going through the entire charade, the most stringent medical states have few authorized dispensaries open. They are located in areas that are totally inaccessible. Our CBD oil is derived from Hemp, which is why it is legal in all 50 states. This article is the perfect guide for those anyone searching â€Å"Where to but CBD oil near me†.History of Hemp CBD oilCultivation of the first hemp plants began over 10,000 years ago. The first sighting was made in an ancient Taiwanese village. Distinguished as one of the first plants cultivated by man, hemp and cannabis are widely regarded as the foundation of Chinese medicine. As it thrived into mainland China, it gradually spread into India, Europe, and Arabia over the next millennia. Hemp found its way into America during the colonial times by explorers and was mainly used as medicines, fabrics, and textiles. Accidentally discovered from the hemp plant in 1940, CBD emerged as a powerful substance that can alter our percepti on of human health and disease.What is CBD?According to the latest research, cannabidiol extracts derived from cannabis plants can be used as oil. Mainly rich in Cannabinoids, they are bound to receptors within the brain. Another widely known cannabinoid is the tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as THC. It was in 1960 when scientists were able to isolate the THC compound from cannabis. CBD is a structural isomer of THC that accounts for 80 percent of the plant extract. They both share the same chemical composition except for the atom arrangement which differs slightly. There is a unique ring in the stricture that opens and closes. When it opens its CBD when closed its THC. The CBD compound has existed much longer than THC but its true value has manifested in the past few decades. We have only begun to understand how it modulates the effects of THC and acts as a unique compound in itself. Within CBD are pain relieving properties, anti-seizure properties, anti-cancer properties, and blocks out the worst effects of THC. All this argument has been backed by research and testing where examinations are done out in the field among marijuana uses. Those with CBD registered less adverse effects from their marijuana usage. The research has also been corroborated in animal studies among other groups. We are seeing some cancer research groups champion for the use of CBD in cancer chemotherapy. Others have argues for its use in offsetting diabetic neuropathy that is the leading cause of blindness nationwide.Is there a Difference between Hemp and Cannabis CBD Oil?CBD oil has become the preferred term when talking about the different oils derived from the hemp plant. In the real sense though, they are quite different. Some Cannabis CBD oil varieties may have high concentrations of THC – just under 10 percent. In other cases, the concentration in CBD oil is less than 2 percent. Industrial hemp has even lower concentrations – under 0.3 percent. Cannabis Oil: Primarily derived from marijuana, cannabis oil has a high percentage of THC. In that regard, it can only be bought in a place where marijuana is legalized. Another alternative would be through prescription. The level of compound (CBD or THC) will vary in different products. Commercially produced cannabis oils tend to contain more standard CBD and THC concentrations. Hemp seed oils: Industrial hemp seeds get cold-pressed to create nutty oils. Such products contain few traces of cannabinoids, one of which is CBD. In addition, within the hemp seed oils are vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. This makes them suitable for cooking, creating biofuels or skin care products.Does CBD oil result in a high?From a user point of view, CBD simply tastes as an essential oil. To be more precise, the taste can be likened to that of a flower. Cannabinoid does not give you the buzzing high feel synonymous with smoking marijuana. Considerations Actually, it is common knowledge that the hemp-based oil creates no psychoactive responsiveness whatsoever. Contrary to misconception, it will not cure cancer or any other disease. It will, however, help when treating mild conditions like arthritis, pain or anxiety. It's best to consume to receive a prescribed dosage from a medical practitioner. Just as with most remedies in life, the positive effects start to kick in a week or so.

Social inequlity

We live in a world that is culturally diverse. Gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity are Just some of the diverse areas In society that are believed to be Important. In spite of these differences, we tend to centre ourselves round people who we can relate to In somewhat and those who are similar to us, If that being people who are the same status, share physical or biological traits or even have the same or similar lifestyle to us. Due to all this, it's in our human nature to be ethnocentric towards people who re different from us.This causes discrimination, which in time causes social inequality, something that is becoming very common in our society today. One of the noticeable areas of discrimination is race. Race refers to the biological characteristics of one; skin color, hair/ eye color, height etc. Related to race is ethnicity, which relates to the cultural factor such as nationality, ancestry, language, beliefs and culture. Both race and ethnicity can cause a big controversy all around the world, the controversy being racism.Focusing on Australia, the nation Is known or their warm welcoming to different races and ethnicities. Many people believe that Australia being so open to different cultures etc. Is a wonderful thing they tend to miss out on the racism that occurs. As with America, Australia represents a large percentage of racism towards different races all across. For instance; Indigenous people of Australia. These people are known to be the first people on Australian land, it's their land, so why all the hate towards them.Many indigenous are very disadvantage as they live In poor remote areas of all parts of Australia, when they are men by â€Å"white people†, they don't have a bad word to say, but as soon as the â€Å"white person† glances at them, racial abuse is Just heard. Indigenous sport players have encountered some on ground racism throughout matches, 1 993 saw SST Skill's Nick Winner responds to racists taunts from the oppositi on crowd by lifting his shirt, pointing to his skin and saying that his proud to be black.In another example of discrimination Is, the article Office work and crack alternative, Philippe Bourbons shows how a group of Puerco Rican Immigrants faced discrimination due to their ace, which resulted in deprivation of jobs at a range of work places and they were stereotyped as lazy and good for nothing people. Ethnicity has played a huge role in social inequality. The trust of one's own ethnic group(ethnocentrism) allows a system in which societies rank categories of people in a hierarchy ( social stratifications) creating inequality (Furze 2012).This all then results to all sorts of things, such as; personal insults (egg. Name calling), structural obstacles (egg. No loans). This can effect a person's physical and mental health which could then lead to harming oneself. ND gender is not the same thing but they do have some connection between each other. Sex comes down to our biological char acteristics; it's the genitals that we are born with that distinguish from female and male. Gender on the other hand, Is our behavioral characteristics that involve feelings and attitudes (Furze 2012).Not everyone Is the same, no matter what sex your born some people may feel different inside, this is called interest, it's a condition where a person is born with a or male. Transgender are people who self-identity does not conform definitely to invitational notions of male or female gender. Panderer who are people are those who do not wish to be labeled as female or male in gender, as they feel that they do not fit into binary genders because they feel they are all genders.Homosexuality is a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex (Lower,J 2012). There are four theories of gender; Functionalism, Conflict theories, Symbolic interaction theories and the Feminist Theory. Symbolic interaction theory relates to how gender is formed with the connections and interpretations of society. It is analyses with a mirror perception and an examination of gender on a day to day level, for example men will talk over women to demonstrate a higher level of power.Functionalism is really relating to how the society works as a whole. From where men do contributing and active work and where women commit to the expressive roles to society. In this theory theorists saw the big wage gap of inequalities as result, women would commit to families roles rather than working roles. Conflict theories a society where women are severely disadvantaged with the inequalities that have be formed u to social structure.An example of this is a problem that has been happening for decades the wage inequalities between men and women; we see that men have been having earning more than women even if it's the same role in a Job. Lastly, the feminist theory is the theory where women have operated a movement that aims to demonstrate the position of women in society and to highly improve their status in society. Gender inequality can and should be changed for the benefit of all. All these theories can in the end result to gender division of labor.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

International order from 1945 to 1969 Essay

Introduction By the end of Second World War in September 1945, world had seen human tragedies and devastation of civilizations on an unprecedented scale. The enormity of disaster had brought complete social, economic and political chaos in the countries involved in the war, requiring long term restoration and rebuilding projects (Cottam and Woodby, 1998). The victorious countries, with the only exception of USA, fared hardly better than the defeated Axis nations. The creation of UNO in 1945 to restore peace and order in the world brought a sense of general relief in world and people felt that after 6 years of intense violence stability and tranquility were returning back. However, almost as the War ended sharp ideological and strategic differences emerged between the two new superpowers, USSR and USA that pushed the world from World War to Cold War. The countries that fought against Axis powers during war years were now polarized against each other in communist and democratic factions pursuing political and strategic agendas against each other. The US led democratic world was wary of the dangers of totalitarian society under the communist rule, as marked in the Stalin’s USSR (Robbins, 1988). As the dangers of communism became manifest, USA realized that its status of a true world-power required it to take effective actions and develop long term plans in promoting the ideals of democracy justice , and liberty that had shaped the free world since past two centuries. The rift between these two opposing factions assumed serious proportions in the Berlin Crisis, Korean War, Cuban missile crisis, Czechoslovakian invasion of USSR and finally Vietnam war; events that defined the period ranging from 1945 to 1969. The Strategic Condition after 1945 The strategic affairs of world saw a revolutionary changeover with the atomic strike on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Laver, 2005). Previous to the atomic age, the strategic considerations generally involved three dimensions of land, sea and air forces. However the post war strategic planning defined defense just in two dimensional terms, where air, land and sea forces were categorized as conventional system and atomic weapons, including atom bombs and atomic missiles constituted the nuclear dimension of the strategy (Laver, 2005). As Laver (2005,) points out, under the new strategic system, the approaches were apparently limited to mere identification of the more appropriate strategy between conventional and nuclear. The real strategic situation however did not unfold itself as simply as it was made to be sound on paper. There were a broad range of issues in creating an optimum strategy and policy in the deployment and use of nuclear weapons within the new international framework that required a total departure from previously established norms and tactics. According to Laver (2005) some of the major issues affecting the new strategic policies were 1. Development of new technology to effectively implement the nuclear option. 2. New defense equipments that meet the nuclear requirements. 3. Mobilizing resources for effectively equipping the armed forces with a perfect combination of conventional and nuclear weapons. 4. Evaluation and measurement of economic, political and social fallouts of nuclear strategies throughout the world. These issues occupied the US foreign and strategic completely, especially in the wake of nuclear buildup in the USSR that created a possible threat of global nuclear catastrophe between the two superpowers. The first American nuclear strategy was forwarded in 1950 that proposed that national defense strategy should be build around the concept of containment. The core of the policy was simple- halting communism through combined conventional and nuclear strength of USA. In 1953, the policy of containment was replaced by policy of deterrence where nuclear option superseded the conventional strategy. However this policy was exposed as inefficient by Henry Kissinger who argued that US lacked sufficient conventional force to check communist expansion throughout the world and that implementing nuclear option towards this end would be catastrophic for the world. The end result, as put forward by Kissinger, would be US inaction and inability to counter the growth of communism (Kissinger, 1957). Kenney recognized the utility of this idea and he established the predominance of conventional strategy over the mindless destructive potentiality of nuclear option. The Vietnam War of 1960s offered US to test its conventional strategy and the incomplete success and the delayed results brought realization that the conventional strategies required further investment of resources and technology in the way of establishing democratic ideals and principles in the world. Cold War is referred to the period from 1945 to 1990 where the strategic conflict and conflicting ideologies of US and USSR that had enveloped world under a continuous shadow of war. The terror of mutual nuclear holocaust was the only factor that prevented both countries from fledging an all out war. Cold War originated due to different political, economic and strategic standings of both USA and USSR after the end of Second World War that created a hostile world environment (Dobson and Marsh, 2001). Three reasons have been put forward to explain the origin of the Cold War. US had emerged as a colossal economic power after the War but it failed to help USSR in building up it war ravaged economy and society, whereas Western Europe received massive funding and help from the US. The second reason was contrasting economic policies and world view of USA and USSR that pitted USA’s democratic and individual ideals against totalitarian and centrally planned philosophy of Soviet Russia. The third major reason was clash of geo-political interest and ambitions of the two superpowers. Driven by the mutual misperceptions and fear of each other’s intentions, ambitions and power, USA and Soviet Russia acted in ways to ostracize each other from their exclusive zones. In 1947 Marshall Plan of USA, that aimed to provide financial assistance in preventing an immanent collapse of Europe, sought to keep USSR out of the entire project. USSR, growing deeply suspicious of USA’s expansionist policies reacted by closing Western access to Berlin, creating first major crisis of the Cold War in 1948. Events unfolded dramatically with US led forces providing airlift to Berlin through 1948 and 1949, USSR responding by closing Western’s access to most of eastern European nations and creation of NATO in 1949 (Dobson and Marsh, 2001). These events firmly sequestrated the two sides and sealed any possible chances of reconciliation. With the outbreak of Korean war in 1950 and USSR’s expansionist policies in South East Asia, USA prepared itself for an all out diplomatic, ideological and if required armed intervention to combat its sworn enemy. The Cold War essentially transformed into a battle of showdown with both the countries trying to outmatch other by trade embargos, increasing efforts of polarization, espionage and technological race to develop greater horde of nuclear weapon and space research. The second major crisis of the Cold War was precipitated in the form of Cuba missile crisis. US intelligence information reported deployment of USSR’s nuclear missile in Cuba with range and payload to strike major US cities and places of strategic importance. There was intense pressure on the then President Kennedy to respond to crisis by military intervention in Cuba. However this step involved risks that the crisis may evolve into a full fledged nuclear war between USA and USSR. Restrain from Kennedy and right diplomatic measures helped to avert a major nuclear disaster. The final episode marking the international order from 1945 to 1969 was civil war in Vietnam in 1965 and the US intervention that led to more than 50, 000 US casualties and international embarrassment for US policymakers. Reference Cottam, M. L, Woodby, S. (1988). The Changing Agenda: World Politics since 1945. Westview Press: Boulder Dobson, A. P. and Marsh, S. (2001). U. S. Foreign Policy since 1945. Routledge: London. Henry Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy New York: Harper, 1957, Laver, H. S. (2005). Preemption and the Evolution of America’s Strategic Defense: Parameters. Volume: 35. Issue: 2. Robbins, K. (1988). The World since 1945: A Concise History. Contributors: Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Do all arguements about abortion come down to the question of what is Research Paper

Do all arguements about abortion come down to the question of what is the moral status of a fetus Explain - Research Paper Example It is obviously an important decision since it concerns the life of a human being. The life in question includes that of the mother carrying the child as well as the fetus itself. Theories of abortion follow most arguments concerning faith and different situations that a pregnant woman is in. in the situation of endangered life, even morality ought to reason with abortion as the right thing to do. Morality thus, ought to help pregnant persons who are in harsh situations obtain help. In the event of an ectopic pregnancy for example, the lives of both the mother and her child face possibilities of loss. It is only reasonable, with the agreement of professional medical healthcare, that a single life at least be saved. In the event that abortion is not carried out, then there are chances of losing both lives. Antagonists of abortion argue that it is moral to save a life than lose both lives of a mother and her child. Due to the need for a law for abortion in countries, it is important to consider all perspectives provided by theories. Theories concerning abortion or any other matter are a presentation of people’s opinion. In considering theories therefore, the government and other authorities should always consider theories when assessing what to legalize and what not to legalize. Where abortion is illegal, many cases of illegal procedures are reported. Such cases present danger to the lives of young people. Morality is thus useful when educating youths on prevention measures that may lead to pregnancy. It should all the same, not victimize them and other adults in the event that an unwanted pregnancy occurs. Morality should ensure that persons with unwanted pregnancies or whose lives are at risk for whatever reason obtain useful medical help. For an abortion to be carried out successfully, it need not present after effects of barrenness on the woman it is carried out on. Such public and lawful encouragement to professional procedure encourages health safety and reduces further damages arising from the procedure. Abortion is firstly a personal concern for the mother of the child in question. It is necessary as couples make the decision to get rid of a child, that they take into consideration all aspects of knowledge concern the procedure. This is because even though morality discourages abortion, it cannot impose forcefully on a person’s decision making. It can only ensure they are informed. As an act, abortion can be complicated and harmful to the women who undergo it. With such provisions as professional healthcare that allows safe procedures, affordable costs for the same, then abortion will be less demonized. It is also important all the same to realize the harm abortion can cause and why is better to prevent a pregnancy in the first place than worry about getting rid of it. Assumptions made by moralistic reason claim that a person carrying out an abortion may do it out of careless living and lack of concern for their lives and those of others. Such being possibilities, it is very important to emphasize and preach contraception among people who are sexually active. Morality is very essential as a means to argue abortion. However, it should not be made a way of fanatics. Morality hence should base its arguments on reason and scientific evidence. It is also necessary that the law emphasize its borders in order to avoid any form of intolerance on the part of pregnant women seeking abortion. Assertions concerning

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Measure of your own physical fitness Assignment

Measure of your own physical fitness - Assignment Example Risk factors questionnaire first will involve collection of information involving risk factors. This may be by giving questionnaires to individuals who have been proven clinically to be normal and those suffering from dementia. This questionnaire is administered to a number of about six thousand individuals. The questionnaire is set as follows: Students stress scale investigates the relationship between anxiety, leisure satisfaction, time management and academic stress. A stress scale for a student will be as follows; considering that people who have 100 percent and higher have a lofty health risk, while those scoring 60 percent to 100 percent have a half chance of health changes which are serious. Those below 60 percent have health changes which are less serious. Stress levels are measured by considering the health status of the student; hence the scale will show the incident that leads to stress and then the health status which dictates the stress level (Landow 38) The stress scale includes various factors that have a direct impact on the health status of students. Taking the test helps to make the stress levels go down to avoid getting stress related illnesses such as blood pressure, and blood sugar related complications. The scale is constructed for a specific period and at these instances the total percentages are taken to evaluate the total stress levels, and hence finding the health risks the student may go through. The scale is vital for students who have to combine schooling, family and social matters (Landow 128). The social readjustment rating scale is a sort of questionnaire that identifies major life events which are stressful. The rating scale involves awarding an event which is stressful a unit which represents life changes. It depends on how traumatic the event was felt by the students who are the participants in this case. The student can then come up with a total value by adding the unit awarded for every event for a period of 12

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Describe the process of graft rejection in transplantation Essay

Describe the process of graft rejection in transplantation - Essay Example tegorized by thrombotic occlusions and haemorrhage of the graft vasculature occurs as a result of pre-existing host antibodies that remain bonded to antigens found in the graft  endothelium. The complement system gets activated through the recognition of the antigens, accompanied by invasion of neutrophils. Coagulation is initiated by the lipid particles that are discarded from the endothelial cells and platelets. The graft gets vascularised through the inflammation that occurs and the graft suffers irreparable damage (Graft Rejection, n.d.). Acute rejections are common in transplants and usually occur by incompatible HLA antigens found in the cells. T-cells are involved in rejections that result in the production of cytokines by the graft cells that engage other inflammatory cells in the process, and cause necrosis of allograft tissues. In chronic rejections occlusions are visible in graft arteries that are caused by the smooth muscle cells that proliferate and the fibroblasts that produce collagens. This process is known as accelerated or graft arteriosclerosis and that causes fibrosis and can lead to ischemia and cell death (Graft Rejection, n.d.). Sensitization and Effector are the two primary stages of the process of the graft rejection process in transplantation. In the sensitization stage, the CD4 and CD8 categories of T-cells use their receptors and identify the alloantigens that are present on the foreign graft cells. The signals required for the process are provided by the interactions between the T-cell receptor and antigen, and co-stimulatory receptor/ligand with T-cell or APC regulator. Peptide-binding grooves are formed by the helices of MHC molecules and these are made in use by the peptides derived from normal cellular proteins. Direct and indirect pathways of allorecognition cause the production of diverse sets of allospecific clones of T-cell (Malhotra, 2011). The effector mechanisms are supported by the Alloantigen-dependent and independent

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sexual Harassment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Sexual Harassment - Essay Example Asking for sexual favors is a direct form of sexual harassment but in some cases indirect favors are also an important element of sexual harassment. The individual involved is either asked for the favor for a reward or he/she is put in such an environment that it becomes hostile for him (Lewis 2001). Many link sexual harassment to be a gender specific situation as most of the cases are seen to be following the women who are subordinating certain individuals. These sexual harassment situations not only lead to deleterious effects on health but they also affect the state of mind of the individual concerned. Sexual harassment is not only related to workplace environments but is also related to the people who are working in military and the service sector (Street et al 2008). Sexual harassment not only refers to the sexual favors but it also relates to the body language of the individuals. Behaviors that are unwelcome by individuals and can be clearly anticipated for making someone offen ded are said to be incorporating the broad definition of sexual harassment (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2013). Actions that are pervasive and considered hostile are also associated with the sexual harassment situations. It is also seen that sexual harassment can lead to post traumatic stress disorder in many people as the person undergoes anxiety and depression after undergoing these situations (Street et al 2008). More studies help to find out the correlation of race with sexual harassment as it can be seen that the African Americans are likely to come under the situations of sexual harassment more often than their counterparts. Adolescence is also a factor for the increase in the cases of sexual harassment as found by a study conducted by Goldstein (Goldstein et al 2007). The elements of sexual harassment that have not been reviewed properly are related to the sex

Sport mgmt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sport mgmt - Essay Example This paper then aims to create a career plan focusing on sports based on learning and insights on the career path of Cristiano Ronaldo in football. He has been chosen due to his recognition and performance in this sports field. A section of the paper will allocate a discussion of his career as the basis for creating the personal five year career plan. The plan will include specific goals and methods on how this can be achieved. Football in the World and Qatar Football was recognized to come from Britain, which is widely played during the 1700s in from courts to narrow streets of the urban communities (Murray B. and Murray W. 2). However, historical accounts suggest that the game was played in Asian countries and the United States. This means that football is already a global sport long before the founding of the world cup tournaments. It can be associated that this is a primary reason for the world’s increasing interest in the sport. In UAE, the football association exerted en ormous effort in promoting the sport (Al Abed et al. 302). Despite the current ranking in FIFA World Cup, Qatar invested its wealth on football as evident in the UAE’s success, completed tournaments, and sponsorship deals. In implication, Qatar and UAE encourage the increase of interest in the sport, and inculcate it to be part of their culture and education. Hence, it is not unexpected that many enthusiasts would aspire to pursue a career in football. In relation to the career plan, it is important to be aware of the facts and the roots of the game to understand the impact and significance of the sport to a person and to the world. Moreover, this will provide a view of opportunities for becoming a player. Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo has been selected to be an icon for this career plan due to his successful career in football. He has been identified as one of the top best football player of his time. This star is currently playing for Real Madrid, who is considered to be the best winger who has played in the world cup (Greaves and Giller). His skills are a combination of his own and that of other of acclaimed players. This Portugal-born player commenced his football career when he joined the Sporting Clube de Portugal (Coutinho 32). This player already shined in the Portugal team with 69 international games and 22 goals scored. However, Ronaldo has been a frequenter in the national games as he played for Under-17 and Under-20 to 22. These exhibit that even at an early age Ronaldo’s skills and abilities as a player has brought him to the international stage and a glorious high point. It was not until 2003 that he was transferred to Manchester United and Real Madrid in 2009. This paper deemed that his exposure to different teams further developed his skills and performance as it introduced various playing techniques. Ronaldo is equipped with speed and excellent ball control that shaped him as the world’s most fatal winger (Coutinho 3 2). His dexterity paved way for his nomination as FIFA World Soccer Player in the year 2008, and runner-up in 2009. Aside from his skills, he is also highly professional. His former coach (Jose Mourinho) admired Ronaldo for being the most professional player he has met (Richards, Coaching Ronaldo). This may be one of the factors that pushed Ronaldo’s growing career. Apparently, abilities should be coupled with right attitude to attain and retain success. Ronaldo also received a fair

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical review of a social policy journal (article is available on Essay

Critical review of a social policy journal (article is available on sagepub) - Essay Example Janet attained all these academic qualifications in the University of Essex (The Open University, 2012). The article explains visual research, a form of research that uses photography to study a certain community. The article explains how photography can help in the collection of visual data, which helps in studying the aspects of a given community. The article is a guide on how visual data can help policy makers in obtaining information about the resources and the values that the community values. Janet’s article explains how the data collected using photographs to explain the differences among various communities in the contemporary England. In any society, there are clear issues that affect different communities that interact. There is that group of the society that does not enjoy benefits that other groups enjoy. For example, in Britain some communities are disadvantaged and marginalized in all aspects of life. A study of the experiences of community members and the areas that the communities views as problematic shows the actual gap between different communities in Britain. Visual research using photographs reveals the areas that account for the practices and problems that face the community. In addition, the research also shows the areas that the community members deem as good. ... Visual research is probably the best approach for decision-making about the welfare of a certain disadvantaged community. Critique of the article The article raises a number of issues concerning understanding the society. For instance, many marginalized communities face the problem of vandalism and destruction of property. This is due to the crash of ideas between different members of the society. Therefore, the communities are responsible for their problems in many instances. For instance, young people wanted the field for their own personal issues while other members of the community concerned themselves with protecting the field. The community divided itself along age and gender basis, but it is clear that the community has strong moral and social standards. The article brings to light how photography reveals some aspects that other people assume to be normal. For instance, the photographs on infrastructure indicate the local council's negligence in maintaining infrastructural fac ilities. Understanding the problems of disadvantaged members of the society needs complete masterly of all factors within their environment. Most of these factors, however, appear normal to many individuals, which hinders policy makers from making sense as well as interpreting the factors. The article stresses on the importance of visual data in analysing such information that may appear as irrelevant in the given communities (Fink, 2011). I agree with certain propositions of the article. The article stresses on the contributions of photography in studying various practices and experiences that influence the actions of marginalized communities. Visual research identifies aspects that affect the community and that appear normal in the eyes of many individuals. Policy makers need

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Assignment Example Globalization has brought the much-needed change. Robert Wright defined globalization as the control of America’s political and economic empowerment. Through globalization, individual have more wealth and are freer than they were many years ago when they were still fighting to gain that much-needed freedom (Wright 1). Globalization, according to Wright, was the spreading of values and beliefs across the borders of America, and that it had started way before the advanced technological development began. According to Wright, globalization has come with many disadvantages in that the use of communication devices such as phones has helped terrorist commit crimes. The terrorists have become more organized and more dangerous since they can use these communication devices to organize attacks and converse among themselves. He says that the terrorists have used the Internet to their own advantage, and it is due to this globalization that terrorists have based their reasons for their at tacks (Wright 2). It is also through this same process that the weapons they are using are more complicated and lethal. Wright argues that globalization has brought the act of crime to another level. Wrights also says that globalization is a damaging existence. ... He believes that it is the moral revolution that prevents America from becoming the downfall of globalization. Wright feels that globalization was the start of something that was uncontrollable. He fears that the stability that the United States is looking to accomplish with the process of globalization will not be achieved since there are still terrorist attacks that hinder such development. He says that it is through globalization that there is the availability of new weapons, new methods of crime, and there is the free movement of goods and services (Wright 2). Though globalization is a means to procure moral knowledge and usefulness, Wright thinks that globalization has brought tension among countries, particularly the United States and the Islamic community. Wright argues that with globalization, social class has emerged and there has been the rise of racism. The only way that individuals can coexist peacefully without harming each other is when liberty and security are combined . Only then will people live peacefully. The choice on whether globalization will make or break individuals and America is in the people’s hands (Wright 1). According to Kaplan, globalization is the main cause of development in the world. Globalization is about becoming modern, urbanized and free. He argues that development leads to evolution and that poverty derails the course that is the goal for development. He claims that the revolutions that were in Mexico and France were followed by economic growth and development, the rise in population due to this revolution and urbanization. His vision is that countries such as Brazil, China and Indonesia will be more economically able and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Chip Research Paper

Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Chip - Research Paper Example It is not merely businesses or trade that utilizes the admirable invention. Healthcare industry and departments like defense or investigation also take advantage of this invention. The impact of RIFD is exciting as it is widely accepted and handled for different purposes. However, there are positive and negative impacts or influences of this modern technology on individuals and society as a whole. Initially, considering certain positive impacts of RFID in business management sector is relevant. Business functions normally encounter problems every now and then since it involves greater complications in information sharing. The RIFD chip is the consolation in times of difficulties associated with handling functions that are beyond human control and capacity. As pointed out by Lin and Teh-Hsing, the greater reliability of such radio frequency identification is that it assists in maintaining clear data and information along with the identification process (13). Moreover, the information collected is more reliable and much more valuable as the operation or system solely depends on the radio wave which is entirely a technical process. Apart from this, in supply chain management also it plays a remarkable role. Being the source and summit of business industry, the technology boosts the system of management in various ways, namely, â€Å"in manufacturing, warehousing/distribution centers, logistics and retailing environments† which are the essential areas of high recognition and importance (as qtd in EPC Global). Furthermore, the department of health and defense are benefited much from this invention when it is applied effectively in respective fields. First of all, for detecting animals and other human features are sought by the informative waves. Attaching such kind of chip eases the difficulty in understanding and analyzing the factors carefully. Similarly, RFID is major equipment used in defense or investigation sector. During the Second World War, radar was used to collect the information and activities of the rivals. As the developed form of radar today, the Radio Frequency Identification contributes significantly toward knowing the subversive activities undertaken by neighboring and rival nations. And, this magical invention is beneficial in tracing many of the cases of theft. It was a common issue prevailing in the business world that when companies experienced huge loss, most of the goods or items had been found stolen. The impact of RFID is so magnificent that it traces any such activities existing in business field. According to Sennewald, and John, it was not merely the money which was stolen but the documents and other important files which resulted in crisis (15-16). On the flip side, the adverse effects of RFID cannot be ignored or neglected. One of the main drawbacks of this waves system is nothing but it prevents privacy. The collected information or the details of other companies and their activities can be easily accesse d or tracked through this wave processing. Therefore, the business organizations find it hard to keep any secrecy related to its different management or operation tactics and techniques. Evidently, this information would assist the governments and higher authority to interfere in the activities of the private firm or organization headed by individuals. Inconsistency is the other matter of concern as the retailers often fail to have such an establishment of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Methods Poets Essay Example for Free

Methods Poets Essay Poets often use their work to express their thoughts, this is what the writers of ‘hour’ and ‘to his coy mistress’ have done to express their thoughts on time and love. In hour the poem is about time and how it is short lived when you are in love, whereas To His Coy Mistress is a poem where the man is trying to convince the woman to sleep with him and exploring the idea of living and enjoying your life whilst you’re young. Within both of these poems, the poets use different types of poetic techniques to show how time can affect the relationship of two lovers. The language used in the two poems is very different but they both show the same prospective of time. In ‘hour’ the language used is very blunt and in ‘to his coy mistress’ the language is more creative and imaginative. This is shown in hour when the poet says, â€Å"time hates love†, whereas in ‘to his coy mistress’ the poet says â€Å"we cannot make our sun stand still†. Both of the poets are trying to say that time is in control and it is very powerful. In ‘hour’ Duffy uses personification and simile; this is shown in, â€Å"love’s time’s beggar†. This suggests to us that time is loves enemy and love is begging time. The word beggar almost makes you feel sorry for love. The poet personifies time as loves enemy. In ‘to his coy mistress’ Marvell uses metaphors. For example, â€Å"Times winged chariot hurrying near†, this suggest to us that death will be near. There are lots of imagery used in the two poems. For example, in ‘hour’ Duffy says, â€Å"but even a single hour bright as a dropped coin, makes love rich†. This suggests to the reader that even one hour with your loved is very precious and should cherish the moment. We also see love being powerful than time for the first time. In â€Å"to his coy mistress† imagery is used in the first section of the poem, when the speaker says â€Å"thou by the Indian Ganges side shouldst rubies find; I by the tide of Humber would complain†. Ganges is thought be to be a sacred place India whereas the Humberside in north of England tend to be boring to Marvell. So this suggests to the reader that He is complimenting her as she is unique to him in a desirable way. She is the only person who fulfils the qualification in his vicinity. The both poets use different form and structure to the poems. In ‘hour’, Duffy only has one type of view which is time is always stopping love. This is followed the whole way through the poem. The first opening says, â€Å"Loves times beggar† and in the last stanza it says â€Å"time hates love â€Å". Duffy uses at the start and at the end to show straight away that time is the enemy of love. By structuring the poem like this, the reader will have the same opinion throughout the poem. Duffy also uses short sentences, â€Å"time slows, for here†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Duffy has added a comma next to â€Å"slows† to show slowness. Some of the sentences in her poem run off, â€Å"summer sky and a grass ditch†, this suggest that she is excited. ‘Hour’ also follows the structure of a Shakespeare sonnet. In ‘to his coy mistress’, Marvell makes his point at the end this is because in the first stanza he talks about what if they had all the time in the world, in the second what would happen if she doesn’t sleep with him. Finally in the third stanza he tells her what she should do. By structuring his poem in that way Marvell shows the lover preparing his argument to his mistress to seize the day and not to hold back. In the first stanza Marvell doesn’t use violent words as he does to the second and third stanzas. Marvell has written the poem in rhyming couplets. Both of the poets show different feelings and attitude. In ‘hour’ the speaker wants a relationship which holds them together and wants nothing else but in ‘to his coy mistress’ the speaker wants a sexual relationship. In ‘hour’ the writer is frustrated with time and love being together. We see this when speaker says, â€Å"time hates love†. It also shows us that the speaker wants a simple kind of love meaning without material possessions, this is shown when the speaker says, â€Å"spend it not on flowers or wine†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In ‘to his coy mistress’ he is cynically flattering his mistress in order to get his own way. This is shows when he says, â€Å"two hundred to adore each breast†. The poem also suggests that the speaker wants a violent love this is shown when the poet says, â€Å"and now, like amorous birds of prey, rather at once our time devour†. Overall both poets have the same prospective of time but have different opinions on relationships. In ‘hour’ the speaker doesn’t want to waste time and wants to cherish every moment by being together. On the other hand ‘to his coy mistress’ wants a sexual relationship. So the speaker says that time is running out for them to have sex and that they do not have all the time in the world. Both of the writers say that time will go fast so don’t waste it. We will also feel time going fast when we are having fun or in love, so we should cherish every minute of our life as it will never come back once it is gone.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Changes in UK Labour Productivity: Analysis

Changes in UK Labour Productivity: Analysis Introduction The Agents’ scores for capacity constraints: The series of scores inside the Agents’ Summary of Business Conditions, which is generated by 12 regional officies (Agencies), is a tool for Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to track the underlying trend in economic factors. The Agents in each region gather the information on economic conditions from their contacts, then judge what value to score subjectively. The scores are the simple way that Agents alter the intelligence they gathered before into a quantitative assessment of the economy over time (Colin Ellis, Tim Pike, 2005). Figure 1: Capacity Constraints Scores in Agents Summary of Business Conditions from Jan, 1998 to Sept, 2014 (Source: Bank of England) Most of the scores are based on a comparison of recent months with the same period a year earlier, however, there are some exceptions like employment intentions or capacity constraints, which are looking forward. The scores range from -5 to +5 with -5 is denoted that rapidly decreasing level and +5 is rapidly growth. In this case, a positive score in Capacity Constraints means that companies face with a little or no pressure on capacity demand and vice versa. In the chart above, it can be seen that there are two downward sloping periods between 2009 and 2013 when were the double-dip recession occurred in the UK. The trend also illustrates an improving progress within a year recently, with a rise of 0.6 points on both sectors. The UK productivity puzzle Productivity experience in cross-country and historical views: The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2007-2008 has caused a significant damage to the economy of most developed countries in the world, including the UK. The decline in output has led to a considerable decline in labor productivity in the UK. Labor productivity has been improving from 2013, but it still be less than its pre-crisis level of around 16% (see Figure 2 below). This shortfall can be referred as the â€Å"UK productivity puzzle and it has took a great effort from economists in order to explain the situations, however, it has yet to be answered completely so far. Figure 2: The UK Labour Productivity (1998-2013). Sources: It can be seen from figure 3 that a weaker performance in labour productivity during the latest recession than all previous post-war recessions. In all recessions before, the first fall in productivity was usually short-lived and the productivity began to increase and regained its peak level after just only almost a year and a half. Figure 3: Productivity per person after UK recessions (Source: Office for National Statistics) However, this latest episode did not see the same stories as its two previous. Between early 2009 and mid-2010, the productivity made a rise of of approximately one percent and continually levelled off and it did not rise further over the next year as both output and employment saw really slow recoveries.At the time of Q3/2011, the employment was rising sharply while the growth of GDP has shrinked (see Appendix), therefore creating a renew decrease in labour productivity. As a result, the UK productivity still be underneath its pre-recession peak around 4 percent. One remarkable point is that the increasing employment and the weak labour productivity seem to be an odd thing to see among the GFC. If the business is expected to stay weak typical companies will shed labour to boost productivity up. The productivity weakness of the UK is also unusual when comparing with some international stories for recent years. Despite their increasing growth before the GFC, it has been significantly weaker than some high-income countries’ economy. Looking at figure 4, it is easily seen that the UK productivity performance was consistent with that of other countries suggests that some common factors might be involved.Nevertheless, as mentioned above, there has been a downward slope in UK productivity in mid-2011 which was not encountered to the same level elsewhere.The weak productivity of Germany is due to the unusual strong employment referred to the past. One additional point is that only Italy has the similar trend with the UK, showing the impact of GFC on their labour productivity. There are some reasons why these comparison might exaggerate the productivity puzzle’s size. Measurement inaccuracy could take account for a very small piece of productivity weakness. Moreover, expenditure on research and development (RD) is considered as a part of GDP, therefore GDP can be lifted by around 1.5% points. Another reason here is that the decrease in North Sea oil and gas output (see Appendix) slowed trend growth in labour productivity in this sector. In total, although the measurement issues can explain up to 4% point of the shortfall in productivity there are lots of things to research the remaining. Figure 4: Labour productivity per person across countries between 1999 and 2013 Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream, Eurostat and ONS Cyclical explanations on productivity shortfall Lower factor utilisation as a result of weak demand conditions The first hypothesis suggests that weakness in productivity is cyclical in nature, driven by weak demand conditions. Firms are unable or unwilling to shed labour or dispose of capital but sometimes, they are not as productive as they might have been. The difference between the lower utilisation level and more normal levels of capacity utilisation is called â€Å"spare capacity within firms†. The first reason for this hypothesis is that they need to keep business going by holding a minimum level of staffs, so-called ‘overhead labour’. Therefore, some firms might not have been able to cut employment below the minimum base, like the guards for the construction until it is sold, for example. Anothing reason should be remarked here is that companies believe the weak demand is temporary. In past experiences, companies made decisions to having fired workers in the early stages of the recession. Conversely, they found it hard to find workers with the appropriate, firm-specific skills. Thus, they missed the opportunities to make a breakthrough on the market. Recently, companies might desire to ‘hoard’ underutilised workers to avoid those lessons from the past. From 2007 to 2012, the proportion of reduced output companies but holding employment rose from about 20 percent than the pre-crisis period (see figure 5). It also suggests that these holding action of firms contributed to the decrease in productivity measured, shown by the diamonds in the chart. Figure 5: Proportion of reduced output firms but holding labour (from 2005-2012). Source: ONS and Bank calculations Spare capacity is measured in the business survey that provide a significant degree of idle capacity within companies in the initial stages of the crisis. However, this business survey just uses the qualitative methods, thus it did not capture the amount of spare capacity in each firm. One additional thing is all answers are subjective so it can be changed over time. It might take no effect on the size of the UK productivity puzzle. Other cyclical factors Some sectors had diverted the resources toward activities which is not immediately counted as output. Consequently, it cannot tribute to the total productivity. In contrast, there are some point which indicated that the cyclical hypothesis alone cannot fully explain the productivity puzzle. Effect of persistent factors on productivity puzzle Tangible and intangible capital investment effects on the shortfall The consequences of the GFC made the firms’ desire in investment in physical capital more difficult because the tighter credit conditions may lead to a higher cost to obtain finance. The stagnated situation in this period also made investments become less efficient, causing directly the material deterioration in the capital stock of worker. Moreover, a considerable fall in real wages during the crisis (see Appendix) while the cost of capital went up have led the relative cost of labour to capital to be decreasing. Hence, it have provided a motivation to switch to use labor-intensive business and companies decided to increase the labour working hours. However, the production output did not go up due to the low demand conditions, therefore the productivity has been decreased. Firms also invest in ‘intangible capital’ which include some types like intellectual property rights or brand names, etc. One main point here is the strong relationship between two types of capital investment mentioned above. For example, the innovated implementation can be processed alongside the introduction of plants and machinery. However, RD expense is considered as the innovation input; that means even though firms have invest a huge amount of money but without new valuable output, which are some types of product or process innovation, there will be an inverse impact on the productivity. According to the data of the UK Innovation Survey, there has been a fall of about 30% in both product and process innovation among the crisis despite an increasing trend in spending budget on RD (see figure †¦). These capital channels have explained a considerable proportion, about 3 to 4 percentage points, of the shortfall in the UK. Impaired resource allocation and the higher firm survival Figure 6: Decomposition of the UK Labour Productivity (2004-2012). Source: ONS and Bank calculations. Looking at the graph above, it is seen that there is a downward sloping trend in the contribution from reallocation, as a result of higher insolvencies or firing behavior (Riley et al, 2014), and its contribution decreased even further, becoming minor between 2010 and 2012. As mentioned above, uncertainty have made firms more wary when investing and labour reallocation. Moreover, the financial system have played a role to have impaired the movement of resources through two channels: impaired capital allocation and higher firm survival. Broadbent (2012, 2013) declares that considerable changes in rates of return on capital across sectors might not be associated with the following movements of capital stocks. In addition, Barnett et al (2014b) highlight an economic model with multiple firms and sectors to analyse that a high price dispersion might be used to explain the productivity loss with around 3 to 4 percentage point. According to Arrowsmith et al (2013), there has been a bank forbearance which provide the measures of support to firms struggling to meet its debt obligations. Although the direct impact have been a little at around one percentage point, the overall impact might have been greater because the widespread effect of the forbearance in the whole sector. Moreover, Arrowsmith et al (2013) indicated that the low level of Bank rate has supported to retain the borrowing costs for firms fairly low. The unusually low rate of firm collapse is to have lowered labour productivity by up to 5 percentage points. Relationship between the labour productivity and monetary policy decision The outlook for inflation in the medium-term depends on the balance of demand and supply in the economy. In theory, if supply is greater than the goods and services that people demand, prices will tend to fall and vice versa. Hence, the MPC should make an assessment about up-to-date indicators and prediction in supply, as well as demand. In recessions, demand typically falls by more than supply. An output gap opens up – the economy can supply more than is currently demanded. And unless that gap is closed, it will push down on costs and prices. But assessing the size of the output gap is very difficult, for exactly the reasons we have been discussing today. Early estimates of economic activity can be revised substantially, so it is hard to know just how weak demand and output really are. And it is equally difficult to know the extent to which the supply potential of the economy has been affected by the recession. 1 | Page

Influence of Media on Young Peoples Opinions

Influence of Media on Young Peoples Opinions The mass media has a great influence on people and especially on the younger generation. It plays an important role in shaping the opinions and positions of young people. Argue for or against this statement. Quynh Huong Ly As communication technologies and platforms continue to advance and evolve, the mass media is increasingly becoming a more influential factor in modern society. It is a powerful tool that has a strong impact on the population as a whole and in particularly on the younger generation. In modern society, the mass media has the ability to shape both the opinions and positions of the younger generation who are more curious and can more easily be influenced. This can not only create new cultures, but can also change lifestyles to some degree by shaping opinions and positions. This essay will discuss the three major influences that the mass media has on the younger generations and their effects in supporting the statement â€Å"The mass media has a great influence on people and especially on the younger generation. It plays an important role in shaping the opinions and positions of young people†. Firstly, advertisements are changing young peoples views on beauty concepts and stimulat e consumption. Secondly, the influences of social media platforms such as Facebook are shaping behaviour trends and lifestyles. Finally, music has shape emotions and a source of inspiration in creating new career ideas for the younger people. Nowadays, advertisements have great power to impact minds and create new habits amongst the younger generations. Large parts of their lives are connected with advertisements through various forms of media such as the radio, films and magazines. And according to Vitelli (2013) â€Å"Television, Commercials, and Your Child†, advertisers try to target young people by: concentrating on new products with special features, producing advertisements which are familiar with daily life so audiences do not realize they are watching commercials and making them lose the ability to distinguish between reality and the advertising that they are watching every day. More recently, with the development of more far reaching platforms of mass media, the thousands of messages about perfect the body images presented on posters and on television shows have re-shaped opinions on what is the ideal body shape for women. The powerful messages have made women obsessed with the new female body standards. T rying to fit into what is represented as attractive by the mass media, have caused stressed and have had a negative effect on some women, in particular the younger women who feel the need to comfort more. An example about the negative influences of advertisements on the young generations is building up their impossible expectations about attractive appearances by using luxury images of supermodels and celebrities, who they hope to look like (Wikipedia 2014). Therefore, teenagers tend to try keep their body thin through putting themselves on a diet, doing exercise or even getting cosmetic surgery while they are never satisfied with their bodies. In addition, it is suggested that using the dynamic beauty of young people for fast food advertising is also one of the causes of changing eating habits and rising obesity rates on the youth (Ashton 2004). In some cases, they are attracted by the advertisements when people with good shape, are eating fast foods and might think that it is heal thy foods or even eating them will help to keep their bodies as good as in the advertisement. The rates of obesity in children and youth have almost tripled in the last quarter century. Approximately 20% of youth are now overweight with obesity rates in preschool age children increasing at alarming speed (The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity 2014). Although the role of advertising in modern society is undeniable because it is used to both introduce new products to the public and is the shortest way to motivate consumption, it is generally believed that advertisements have consequences on peoples mind, especially on the younger generations because advertisements generally have always exaggerated the truth, also changed the opinions and positions of young people. In recent times, social networking sites have become more popular than ever, they also directly impact on behaviour of people, particularly on adolescents in what way as they decide how to connect each other and how to respect their relationships. Social networking sites have become a major revolution in society. There are a lot of advantages that can be associated with this, but an alarming tendency out of this, is that the young people seem to be more isolated in their own world and don’t learn how interact with society As a result, they gradually lose their communications skills and the intimacy of face-to-face interactions (Dakin 2014). ) In the past, face to face was the best way which people chose to communicate to each other. With the appearance of Facebook, peoples’ lives, minds and the behaviours of the youth have changed. Young people are highly addicted to Facebook as they spend a lot of time on the internet to update status, post on walls, and even whateve r they make. This leads to them ignoring spending time with families or hanging out with friends in order for them to sit in front of computer screen to validate their importance in society. The number of â€Å"Likes† they have, the more this validates their confidence (Sameer 2011). In addition, the development of social networking is one of the reasons why the young people are becoming the narcissist. According to Harrington (2013), in â€Å"Hey you, it’s all about me†, the teenagers are documenting everything they do in their lives and posting selfies on social networking to get more attentions from others, and falling in love themselves. Young girls are more likely to be dissatisfied with their shape and weight, even if they are very healthy and balanced from this (Sameer 2011). For example, with the support of Photoshop technologies, the photos on Facebook are probably more attractive than the real life. This creates pressures on teen girls try to keep thei r appearances as perfect as the pictures on the internet. The revolution of social networking sites impacts strongly on the younger generations through changing their views about communications in a virtual world. One product of the mass media that is a big influence on the youth is music, which deeply affects the lifestyles of teenagers, the controlling of emotions and building up personality on people. In modern society, there are many technologies such as iPhone, iPod which can effectively connect the youth to music where they go. It is believed that the young generations listen to music while they are eating, studying and sleeping. Therefore, music seems to play a special role in shaping their opinions and positions. The explosion of music videos on YouTube brings young people to a new fashion culture when they tend to copy images of their idols (Wixom 2013). For example, new fashion trends often approach the public through the superstars in their music videos. When the youth search and watch the videos on internet, they are easily attracted in styles of celebrities, so they try to dress or let their hair similarly to famous people and might think they look more attractively. Nowadays, the re are young teenagers develop their music career in that way they produce videos, update them on online websites to share with people. If the music products were successful, they could become famous people even after one day. Actually they have made career decisions based on factors of the mass media. Consequently, benefits of music are inspiring and creating a lot of opportunities for the youth to make their dreams come true (Wixom 2013). Furthermore, the lyrics on music songs strongly influence on minds, emotions and behaviours of teenagers. The information on the internet is generally uncensored and young people also are supported by many search tools. Therefore, they can easily be impacted their spirit by the unconformable lyrics which can create rebellious tendencies or the early sexual awareness of young people (Holden 2014). For example, many songs are composed based on the love story and the events in real life. Although the messages on those songs might be given by the ind ividual views, but they still have a great power. Especially, when young children listen to music constantly, they generally tend to react and think as lyrics in songs. As a result, they are aware of the problems in society very soon and grow up faster than their real old. Although the influence of music to young people with both negative and positive, but it is gradually becoming one of the determinants of behaviour and thinking of the younger generations. In conclusion, modern society has created a major mass media revolution with the help of the availability of all the new technologies available such as television, magazine, music, social media and the internet. This has given the mass media an enormous power in influencing the perceptions and lifestyles of the younger people. It could even be stated that the perceptions and lifestyles of the younger generations are mostly influenced by the information provided by the many forms of media, as they search based all decisions from the information provided on the internet. The internet is used for scientific information, entertainment and connecting friends. The ideas and views from the internet are usually derived from the masses, so they have both positive and negative, but young people are given the choice to see and believe what is of value to them. Therefore, they should choose the most appropriate approach in order to get the best value that the mass media are contributing to human . All things as above have proven the mass media shape opinions and positions of youth. References American Psychological Association 2014, ‘The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity’, American Psychological Association, viewed 13 November 2014, Coleman, R 2008, ‘The becoming of bodies’, Feminist Media Studies, vol.8, no.2, pp.163-179, viewed 12 November 2014, Dakin, P 2014, ‘Social media affecting teens concepts of friendship, intimacy’, CBC news, 24 February, viewed 18 November 2014, Harrington, S 2013, ‘Hey you, its all about me’, The Sydney Morning Heralb, 20 September, viewed 12 November 2014, Holden, M 2014, ‘The Influence of Pop Music on Teens in the US’, Global post, viewed 26 November 2014, Media Smart 2014, ‘Televisions Impact on Kids’, Media Smart, viewed 13 November 2014, Pediatrics 2006, ‘Children, Adolescents, and Advertising’, Pediatrics, vol.118, no.6, pp.2563-2569, 01 December, viewed 18 November 2014, Sameer, M 2011, ‘Impact Of Social Networking Sites On Youth’, Youth Ki Awaaz, 02 June, viewed 20 November 2014, Shah, A 2012, ‘Media and Advertising’, Global Issues, 04 March, viewed 15 November 2014, Vitelli, R 2013, ‘Television, Commercials, and Your Child’, Psychology Today, 22 July, viewed 17 November 2014, Wikipedia 2014, ‘Effects of advertising on teen body image’, Wikipedia, 24 November, viewed 24 November 2014, Wixom, R 2013, ‘The Influence of Music’, The Church of Jesus Christ of latter – day Saints, September, viewed 26 November 2014,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Wife The Taming of the Shrew and Today :: Taming Shrew Essays

The Wife The Taming of the Shrew and Today Today many wives always want to have same position with their husband. So that they always have conflict with each other. Why they always have conflict? Actually, it is effected by wife who changes the traditional role. As I remembered that wife and husband lived together very well in sixteenth century. They didn't have any conflict. Many wives would obey their husband when their husband order them to do everything. What different image of the wife between sixteenth centuries and today? We can divide three different images to explain in the Shakespeare's play " The Taming of the shrew" and two articles for ' Japanese women no longer resigned to traditional roles" and " Men, women more confused about roles". The first different image is that many wives liked to live with their husband together in sixteenth centuries. In "The Taming of the shrew", Katherine needed to live in the Petruchio's house. When she pointed out the mistake to her husband, her husband would call her who came back to their home. We can see that the respect of Katherine " Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, and be it moon, or sun, or what you please." 1 In fact, she needed her husband to support her life. If Petruchio didn't support her life, then she couldn't live only herself. Oppositely, many wives have their new style of life today. They don't need their husband to support their life. They can take care themselves. In article "Men, women more confused about roles" , Lillian is an example, " When her marriage ended, she returned to work but would prefer to return full time to mothering." 2 , who doesn't need her husband to support her life. The second different image is that many husbands married their wife just for love in the sixteenth centuries. In " The Taming of the shrew" Lucentio loved Bianca very much, so that he disguised as a teacher who taught her Latin everyday. He wanted to express his love to Bianca. However, many husbands marry their wife not only for love today. Actually, they marry their wife who have

Friday, July 19, 2019

Duties of Fidelity Essay -- Business, Duties of Reparation

Ross prima facie duties speak of fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice, beneficence, non- maleficence and self-improvement. Even though Ross has explained each duties, it is still uncertain that how these duties can be implied in marketing activities. If we look at each duty, it is not easy to implement every duty in a situation unless it demands so. One has a prima facie duty (not) to do a certain action if and only if there is some moral demand for one (not) to do it (Baumrin, 1965). Therefore in order to execute these duties, understanding the circumstances is very important. It is understood that prima facie duties are expressions referring to a characteristic by certain individual act-tokens rather than by certain act-types (Atwell, 1978). A sense of which duties are towards the bottom of the scale and which duties are towards the top is to be made sure in order to achieve every duty (Robinson, 2010). Duties of fidelity are the duty of keeping up promises. The company should not promise anything to their customers that they cannot execute. Promise can be anything related to product quality, size, etc. Breaking a promise can bring down the value for the products as there will be no trust for the products in the market. Keeping up promises will encourage the customers to buy the product. According to prima facie duties, one cannot be blamed if he undertakes to make the right choice but it does not produce a good act (Meyers, 2009). Duties of reparation are only essential when one cannot keep up the promise or when unintentional mistakes happened. If the product is damaged then the product is to be recalled and repaired or new products have to be issued to the customers. Cash Payments can also be made fo... ...tilitarian can increase the costs for the company but they are responsible to do so because, the fault is not caused by customers. Whether a person’s action is morally justifiable, is a deontological question; whether the act is good is ultimately a consequentiality question (Meyers, 2009). According to my point of view what Maruti Suzuki did was correct but these faults are not supposed to be happened from a company like these. Instead of repairing faulty cars new cars is to be provided immediately when they recalled faulty ones. Also they should have taken additional efforts to help customers when they were waiting for their car to get repaired. They should have given bonus packages to their customers for the mistake happened. Even though it can add total cost for the company, it can support them in maintaining their customers and good will in the market.

The Day I Almost Lost My Father :: Personal Narrative Writing

The Day I Almost Lost My Father One day in the midst of summer, my friend Mike and I got off from a hard day of work and were on our way to the mall. While at work we had planned to meet a few people there. I was going to be seeing my friend Jessica who I had not talked to in years. Before leaving, we stopped off at our houses, took showers, and got ready. As I anxiously waited on the stairs for his car to roll into the driveway, my mom said, â€Å"Be careful and do not drive like an idiot.† I obviously said alright and she was on her way. Minutes later I see my friend Mike pull into the driveway. I slipped my feet into my shoes and got in his car. We were almost to the mall when his phone rang. He picked it up and said, â€Å"Hello?† It was my mom and she wanted to speak to me. Upon putting the phone to my ear she told me that I had to come home right away. She said that my dad had just gotten into a car crash and that I had to come home and watch my sister. I did not know how to break the news to Mi ke, that what we were anticipating all day would not happen. He was upset, but he understood what was going on. I came home thinking it was the same old same old; he had gotten hit by a drunk driver, the car got totaled, and he was fine. This time was different. Normally when I ask what happened she says, â€Å"You know your father,† or something to that nature. This time was different; she would not talk to me or tell me what happened. I later found out that my dad had shattered his hip and pelvis. This event greatly affected me, both emotionally and physically. My dad was in the hospital in a lot of pain because he shattered the two most painful bones to break and I could not go see him because of my work schedule and because I had to watch my sister. Finally, after four long days I saw him. Even though he is my dad, I must say he was a mess. He could not move at all, and when he tried to he was in a lot of pain.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Effects of prejudice, racism and discrimination in society

Discrimination involves treatment of an individual or a group of people based on class or category. It can be personal, legal or institutional discrimination. It involves denying an individual or a group of people an opportunity that is available to other individuals or groups. Discriminatory actions can be done in different ways but they all involve in one way or the other some form of rejection.There are different forms of discrimination which include but not limited to the following: Age discrimination, gender discrimination, castle discrimination, employment discrimination, sex orientation and gender discrimination, language discrimination, reverse discrimination, disability and religious discrimination (Camponovo, 2003). According to Dunn & McDonald (2004), age discrimination involves unfair treatment of an individual or a group based on age. It usually occurs in one of the three different forms: Adultism (discrimination against adults), discrimination against people older than 40 and also discrimination against elderly people.It mostly happens in employment where by employees prefer younger people for employment ignoring older people with their experience although laws have been put in place to help reduce the practice. Gender discrimination involves negative believes and attitude based on gender. Employment discrimination involves locking out a group of people from applying and receiving jobs because of race, disability, religion, age and sexual orientation (Michinov, Dambrun, Guimond & MÃ ©ot, 2005).Racism refers to discrimination of individuals based on social divisions that may not always be connected to race. Prejudice involves an opinion or judgment made before facts are verified. The judgment is mostly based on gender, race, ethnicity, social class, disability and also age. There are different forms of prejudice; cognitive, affective and behavioral (Guerin, 2005). These types of discriminations have led to unequal distribution of jobs and resource s in general. Because of inequality, most groups have been denied justice.Examples include legal discrimination against Black South Africans and also different post-civil war laws that exist in the southern American states which disadvantaged blacks living there in regard to property ownership, employment and other factors such as movement, where Blacks are not allowed o pass through Whites’ residential areas. This has led to increased crimes and hatred among people. It has raised tensions between countries like the Muslim countries and America (Mcdonald, 2009). For peaceful co-existence, there is need to ensure equal treatment amongst people regardless of their age, religion and other differences that may exist.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Notes: Meaning of Life and Distinguished Indian Writer

R. K. Narayan (1906-2001) is angiotensin converting enzyme of the most famous and distinguished Indian writer in English. He had a fine insight into various aspects on the lives of the poor and the middle class people, specially in South India. He makes the silent and common place events more provoke and this try is one such es tell apart. In a writing career that spanned over sixty years, Narayan received some(prenominal) awards and honours. His literary productions are full of humour. In this essay he explains the advantages of business concern.A blessing for Mankind R. K. Narayan explains how irritation conferred on mankind as a blessing by a auspicious providence and also talks close the usefulness of business to avoid problematic situations. He later narrates an incident in his develop life about the garner writing exercise, where his teacher use head ache as a cause in the speci custody letter. He always wondered what make his teacher to select for headache as a cause even in a specimen letter.Later he talks about the drill class during his initiate days and how students usually mentioned headache as an excuse for avoiding the drill class after(prenominal) the school hours. One day the teacher asked all the students suffering from headache to make their arms. For many a nonher(prenominal) students it raised large hope. The teacher also added that he was going to rejoin them some special exercise to heal their splitting headache. Not even a boy raised his arms. Thus the instructor put an end to that problem. Touch of enormousness annoyance gives the sufferer a call down of importance because it jackpot be mentioned in any social gathering and is intumesce taken. No other pain can be so openly mentioned with granting immunity from punishment. Other aches sound crude and deadly which cannot be mentioned in publish and olibanum headache helps us to avoid many embarrassing situation. What is hesitancy? Indisposition is a superi or expression it can be used except by gamy people. R. K. Narayan was really concerned about conclusion the real kernel of the intelligence operation malady since it is very vague and confusing.He feels that he was not able to understand the meaning of the raillery indisposition except that it sounds very easy in press notes or health bulletins or in messages from eminent men to gatherings to which they earn been invited. It cannot be written outright and it will sound better in the third person. A gentlemen is an eminent one, has a secretary or a proxy who can speak for him. For example a gentleman regrets his inability to visualize the meeting today owing to indisposition (sickness or un unbiddenness).People will understand and let in the statement and will not interrogative the concerned person. R. K. Narayan wants to know the perfect meaning of indisposition. Is the concerned person down with influenza or malaria or cold or rheumatism (pain in joints and muscles)? He feels that the word indisposition could be used only at a particular level, not by all and if a school boy says As I am indisposed, I want to be let off, he will have his ears twisted for his intelligence beyond his age. Headache as an excuseIf we openly say that we want to avoid the situation or an important meeting, people will involve angry. No one has really got heroism to tell that he/she is not willing to attend a meeting or a social gathering. The world is not yet ripe for such frankness and frankness. So we safely use headache as an excuse. At home, headache is used as an excuse to avoid many uncomfortable situations. The mother-in-law, who is angry with the daughter-in-law, uses it to avoid food. The son, who does not want to take his wife out, gives headache as an excuse.The boy, who has skipped his homework, claims headache in rove to avoid his tutor and to send him tooshie away. The cultured existence is not to interpose too deeply, but to accept the example va lue as expressed by the speaker. Conclusion Headache has become a confirmed habit. Lots of medicines have been produced to curative headache, which people always carry with them and feels uncomfortable without them. Opticians give glasses to cure and repeat headache. All these things prove that mankind comfortably begins to believe in myths.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

The Philippines. The Pearl of the Orient Seas, a country ripe full of wonderful places, places being visited of tourists from different countries. A great country with great people called Filipinos. Filipinos, people with such nice traits.Our customer social support will happily tell you if there arent any little special offers in the current time, along with own make sure youre getting the service that our good company may deliver.They are hospitable ones, close friend or a complete stranger; they always make a time to smile to you and ask if you’re feeling alright. Cheerful, they are, and academically talented too! Reciting poems expressing the appropriate feelings, singing to the gilt top of their lungs, dancing so gracefully that you want to join them. They are hard-working, industrious they are. They are also religious of course, they surrender click all to God.Its saddening to take note that its a incorrect practice of democracy.

I just can’t think what why we, Filipinos are not proud of our nationality, how our country. Why we, choose other products than ours, because in our own mind things made locally are ‘CHEAP’ which is totally not true, we are policy makers of world class items. We should be proud of our country. Don’t you know that we, Filipinos, are admired by people around the world? They love the Philippines AND the Filipinos.Pupils lead busy daily lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline.Condescending a name for the high cost is a step.God made me, love is.

My story isnt reflective of cell all the Filipino atheists.Your position should be established inside the first married couple of paragraphs of your essay, and it should long stay constant.There are numerous misconceptions about people.There are an endless number of small quantities of misconceptions about atheists.

Is why it is extremely resourceful to write on apply your mailing for literature review legit about-yourself.Embracing christ our culture is.Our society has a great deal to face they might not have the capacity to help you at this moment.Be an perfect active citizen there are plenty of approaches to be an active Filipino citizen, great but among the simplest and most significant is the act of voting.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Patient Safety in Rural Nursing Because of Nursing Shortage Essay

The unite States is in the midst of a breast feeding dearth that is beingness much and to a greater extent discussed in the mount of declining soundnessc ar facilities in the earth. oer 1 in 7 infirmarys (15%) writing a spartan RN breast feeding famine with to a greater extent than(prenominal)(prenominal) than 20% of their treat positions va keept and 80%-85% of infirmarys promulgate that they defend a arrest paucity This deficit is predicted to combine allwhere the attached ten-spot or cardinal as reserves be to the multiplication of kid boomers sleep together.The financial aid for focusing age doforce mickle released in July 2006 by the Bernard Hodes host reveals that 55% of contemplateed suck ups and view as managers describe their purport to retire betwixt 2011 and 2020 (AACN, 2006). In April 2006, officials with the strongspringness Re openings and operate disposal (HRSA) released projections that the nations breast fee ding famine would flummox to to a greater extent than 1 one thousand thousand sop ups by the escape of report card 2020 (HRSA, 2003). treat colleges and universities ar seek to fat registration civilizes.In the root title What is privy HRSAs project Supply, Demand, and shortf exclusively of Registered sucks? analysts lay down that all 50 states leave unaccompanied go steady a deficit of sucks to alter layers by the year 2015 (AACN, 2006). Factors driving force the addition in deal for deems entangle an 18 % amplification in the cosmos a large-mouthed equaliser of elder persons requiring equaliserally gameschool takes of aesculapian examination exam exam cargon advances in aesculapian examination engineering that nurture the aim for binds an affix in the universalation of piss lucktings for defends and demographic changes in an change magnitude U.S. tribe (HRSA, 2003).Factors that ar create a come down in the yield of draws ar the declining estimate of breast feeding tutor enrollees, graduates and force the ripening of the registered agree manpower proceed environment divulges leash to production line burnout and dissatisfaction spirited keep back upset and va endurecy pass judgment and declines in carnal fel natural depressionship earnings (HRSA, 2003). collect to this sarcastic asymmetry among the contri thoe and withdraw of go down ons, the united States is to mean solar solar day facing a maintain deficit crisis. nurse famine in sylvan settings enquiry shows that nurse shortfall as be by the federal official political science come through and throughs chiefly in agricultural beas of the ara that atomic outcome 18 remote outside from metropolitan atomic number 18as. These argonas feature more from treat deficit than urban atomic number 18as out-of-pocket to escape of stinting resources to vie with urban establish employers, un equal fostering for nurses to physical exercise in hoidenish settings and dependency on non- hospital shell out settings in the country atomic number 18as. match to a idea promulgated by the topic Clearinghouse for enclosure Communities, Impacts and Innovations in termination the States ( declination 2004), nurse dearths in bourne and bucolic communities reach non housed from the topical home(a) shortfall of nurses nonwithstanding alike a long-standing abbreviate favoring awkward-to-urban migration of the educated, happy formulateforce. in that respect is besides the let on of money. When examined by agriculturality, LPNs in awkward settings ($21,941) embrace an income 23% spurn than that describe by LPNs in urban settings ($28,408) (NCSBN, 2006).A large outlet of rude communities argon losing actual influence and grooming opportunities and the physical piece of writing redes that the confederacy linguistic context of a nurse shortfal l can be reference book me believe through federation-establish teaching approaches as well as the crafting of salubrious hoidenish policies. The Robert woodwind instrument Johnson rear make a state name The American treat deficit with the alleviate of its researchers Bobbi Kimball and Edward ONeil. accord to this report, up to presently when to the highest course(predicate) mint emotional state a commerce for the professions much(prenominal)(prenominal) as business for, they are deterred by real dimensions of the life agestyle, much(prenominal) as mortified pay, unequivocal mobility and the carry for gain in cracker-barrel areas. on tap(predicate) info and belles-lettres evoke that the stir of the breast feeding dearth on agrestic and enclosure communities varies greatly from community to community. IN some(prenominal) arcadian places, in that location is no chore in option vacancies but thither whitethorn be erect a some dandy pay ing(a) commercial enterprises. However, in fuddledly cracker-barrel areas, recruiting for openings is estimated to cut close to 60 percent longstanding to occupy than in urban areas (Long 2000). absorb employers bear many an(prenominal) applications but frequently gamble applicants do non witness sought afterwards qualifications and then, they much grant to take aim depress qualifications to gormandise positions. Differences in educate amongst edge and non- border nurses exist twain in their fundamental breast feeding tuition and the highest distributor point set out in (FEC, 2003). to the full half of verge nurses had able as RNs through tie in detail (ADN) programs, in equivalence with 40% of the non- termination nurses in telephone circuit, non- enclosure nurses were more credibly to m opposite attend diploma or BSN programs.Differences rest when facial expression at highest gradation real 44% of margin nurses highest form is the A DN, in contrast with 34% of the non- border nurses. And, age the pct of nurses who overhear earn a bachelors degree is meagrely note among frontier nurses (30% frontier, 33% non-frontier), the ploughshare who has get get the hang degrees is withal light among frontier (7% frontier compared with 10% non-frontier) (FEC, 2003). At Prairie aspect help for syndicate in Holyoke, Colorado, a township of about 1,900 flock about one hundred thirty miles northeastern of Denver, administrators reportly had to work copy shifts to get the picture shifts after a nurse retired.Recruiting nurses to work in countrified areas is catchy to bewilder with and, when urban-trained nurses take down inelegant dedicate, they a good deal understand they are ill- wide-awake for the demands of the job, lend to job dissatisfaction and turnover. formerly there, they typically rule it tall(prenominal) to access code proceed direction opportunities that crack their exacts. When e ducators bring their knowledge to us, they a lot do not put one over that we formula otherwise than than urban centers do ( coarse nurse, quoted in Molinari 2001). In the untaught setting, nurses typically overgorge denary occasions. in that location is a enquire for a wide-eyed hurtle of skills and pose training in duple jobs. hoidenish nurse requires a high level of generalist skills and minute thought (Fahs, Findholt et al. 2003). some other unveil is that the heathen composition of the clownish nurse hands does not jib with the creation it serves. The ANA agricultural breast feeding module identifies vanadium reckons that partake folksy fretfulness for practice threats to namelessness and confidentiality tralatitious sex activity roles geographic closing off captain isolation and unique resources (Bushy 2004). diligent pr neverthelesstive for treat dearth in pastoral settings Surveys and studies publish recently stomach that the dear th of registered nurses is wedgeing the lurch of wellness kick in the U. S. and negatively alter uncomplaining outcomes. question now shows that how well long-sufferings are supervised for by nurses affects their wellness, and sometimes can be a amour of life or finish. These studies relieve oneself erect that (HRSA, 2003) A inwardness of 53% of physicians and 65% of the everyday cited the paucity of nurses as a spark advance caseful of wellness check errors (Harvard direct of earth health, 2002,) A high property of nursing dole out and a greater digit of hours of circumspection by nurses per day are associated with break-dance outcomes for hospitalized unhurrieds (Needleman et al. , 2002) treat actions, such as ongoing supervise of diligents health status, are without delay link to relegate health outcomes (Kahn et al. , 1990) 126,000 nurses are take outright to consume vacancies at our races hospitals. Today, 75% of all hospital vacancies are for nurses (American arrangement of cope for Executives, 2002) embarrassed nurse staveing levels expect contributed to 24% of unanticipated events in hospitals that resolveed in wipeout, brand or long-lived departure of function (reefer military mission of Accreditation of health safeguard governings, 2002) Patients who entertain frequent surgeries in hospitals with meek nurse-to- diligent ratios require an up to 31% change magnitude jeopardy of dying. all(prenominal) surplus persevering in an clean hospital nurses work load change magnitude the try of decease in working(a) affected roles by 7% (Aiken et. al. , 2002) showtime nursing faculty levels were a bestow means in 24% of hospitals reports of patient of of deaths and injuries since 1996 (Joint delegating of Accreditation of health vexation Organizations, 2002) less(prenominal) nursing time provided to patients is associated with high rank of infection, GI bleeding, pneumonia, cardiac arrest, and death from these and other poses (Needleman et al. , 2002) and obtain executives surveyed indicated that staveing dearths are change to tinge division overcrowding and the need to close beds (American Organization of curb Executives, 2002).The Joint rush on Accreditation of health care Organizations, 2002 has wagesd a type that misfortune to address the problem of nursing deficit in rural areas result result in change magnitude deaths, complications, lengths-of-stay and other unsuitable patient outcomes. JCAHO examined 1,609 hospital reports of patient deaths and injuries since 1996 and shew that low nursing round levels were a modify factor in 24% of the cases (Joint complaint on Accreditation of healthcare Organizations, 2002). bran-new research indicates that a dearth of registered nurses active at the baccalaureate and high degree level is endangering patients.In an oblige in the family line 24, 2003 bring on of the daybook of the Ameri can health check Association, Dr. Linda Aiken and her colleagues at the University of daddy arrange that patients puzzle significantly unhorse fatality rate and ill luck to bringing range in hospitals where more baccalaureate-prepared nurses provide direct patient care. At to the lowest degree 1,700 preventable deaths could retain been completed in dad hospitals alone if baccalaureate-prepared nurses had comprised 60% of the nursing staff and the nurse-to-patient ratios had been set at 1 to 4.Unfortunately, entirely 11% of PA hospitals welcome more than 50% of the nursing staff prepared at the baccalaureate level ( fetch of euphony, 2003). A survey titled Views of Practicing Physicians and the universal on health check Errors, conducted by the Harvard discipline of frequent Health and the enthalpy J. Kaiser Family home describe in the December 12, 2002 issue of the unseasoned England journal of medicament plant that 53% of physicians and 65% of the frequent cited the shortage of nurses as a in the lead cause of medical errors.Overall, 42% of the public and more than a triad of U. S. octors reported that they or their family members suck up undergo medical errors in the course of receiving medical care (AACN, 2006). Nurse researchers at the University of protactinium located that patients who take a shit car park surgeries in hospitals with high nurse-to-patient ratios dupe an up to 31% increase occur of dying. Funded by the subject engraft for breast feeding Research, the determine demonstrate that every redundant patient in an comely hospital nurses work load increase the find of death in operative patients by 7% (AACN, 2006). tally to an protracted study by Dr. twat Needleman and peter Buerhas, published in the impertinently England ledger of Medicine in whitethorn 2002, a high resemblance of nursing care provided by RNs and a greater number of hours of care by RNs per day are associated with come apart outcom es for hospitalized patients (AACN, 2006). cultivation useable information and literary productions suggest that the issue of nurse shortage is a home(a) one. Yet, the impact of nurse shortage is make better seen in the rural areas where nurses are not well paid, live nurses are not well fitting and patients are hooklike on topical anesthetic medical facilities.Because some frontier and rural communities are removed from hospitals, residents may rely on non-hospital based care settings for a greater proportion of their care than their urban counterparts. ascribable to these reasons, nurse shortage in rural areas has imperil patient safety. Nurses are the radical source of care and delay in the health care area and hence, a able tally of nurses is sarcastic in providing the guinea pig and oddly the rural commonwealth with prime(prenominal) health care. Nurses are judge to do an even larger role in the future.